The Relationship Between Law and Morality from the Philosophy of Law from Kant's View 从康德的法哲学看法律与道德的关系
Construction and corrupt practices of Confucian morality of law& an illustration by Confucian family morality of law 儒家规范伦理的建构及其合理性探析&以家庭伦理规范为例
The legalization of morality and the moralization of law are the processes in which morality is constantly transformed into legal provisions and legal provisions are unceasingly internalized into human morals. 道德不断成为法律规则,法律规则不断地内化为人的内在道德的过程,就是道德的法律化和法律的道德化过程。
This thesis gave study on problems of legalization of morality and moralization of law in sport law construction, concluded that they played an important role in sport law construction; 通过对体育法制建设中的道德法律化和法律道德化问题的探讨,认为道德法律化和法律道德化在体育法制建设中有积极意义。
The significance of intensifying the professional morality construction of highway law enforcement officers 论加强公路路政执法人员职业道德建设的意义
On Legalization of Morality and Moralization of Law 浅议道德法律化与法律道德化
During the course of our legal construction becoming perfect, we should persist in the morality of Law while understanding law. 在当前我国法制建设走向成熟的过程中,我们对法的理解应坚持法的道德性。
This essay probes into the relationship between professional morality of accounting and law of accounting from such different angles as historical mission, function, coercion, social demand, range of regulation and control, form of expression, production and time of continuation. 从历史使命、功能作用、强制性、社会要求、调控范围、表现形式、产生及延续时间等不同角度,对会计职业道德和会计法律的相互关系进行探讨。
The legalization of morality and moralization of law in traditional Chinese culture plays a dominant role in the formation and development of the feudal laws. They had great effects in every aspect on the traditional Chinese social standard system. 中国传统文化中的“道德法律化”和“法律道德化”对封建法律的形成和发展起着不可忽视的作用,在中国传统社会规范体系中处处表现出强大的影响力;
Internal morality of management to the moral requirements of the structure and its connotations of the management itself. What's the inherent morality of ruling of law? 管理的内在道德是指管理本身的结构和内涵所应有的道德要求,是管理最根本的活动准则。
From the view of internal and external rules by law, morality of rule by law is to probe the scientific expression and development of virtues and beauties. Rights are the life of morality of rule by law. 法治的道德性是从法治的内外方面探讨法治对于善和美的科学体现和发展,权利则是法治道德性的生命。
Fuller's magnum opus& The Morality of Law has been regarded as the fullest and deepest classic book. 富勒的代表作&《法律的道德性》是迄今为止最为全面以及最为深刻的法律程序理论著作。
Morality of Ruling With Law 法治的道德性对依法治警之探讨
On legalization of morality and moralization of Law in traditional Chinese culture 论中国传统文化中的“道德法律化”和“法律道德化
Analysis on Morality of Rule by Law 法治的道德性分析
On the Morality of Law 法的道德性浅谈
The ruling mode for a modern civilized society should be in a high-degree balance, ferment between rule of morality and rule of law. 现代文明社会的治理模式,应该是德治与法治的高度协调、高度融洽的互动。
These features determine the morality significance of the law. 这些特性决定了护法的道德意义。
Corporate social responsibility, fair competition and economic constitutionalism compose the content of the morality of the competition law together. 企业社会责任伦理、公平竞争伦理和经济宪政伦理共同构成了反不正当竞争法道德性的内容。
Secondly, in the system, the moral man is the start of the morality of the competition law; the general clause is the carrier to achieve the morality of the law; the economic constitution is its high-level system to realize security and spiritual orientation. 其次,在制度上,道德人主体是反不正当竞争法道德性的起点;一般条款与规则是反不正当竞争法道德性实现的载体;经济宪法则是其实现的高层制度保障和精神导向。
The internal morality of law, also known as procedural natural law refers to the rules for the formulation, execution and interpretation of law and basic requirements which make law possible for governing the behavior of human. 法律的内在道德又称为程序自然法,是指法律在制定、适用、解释等程序方面的原则,是使法律这一以规则治理人类行为的事业成为可能的基本要求。
External morality of law, which is also known as "substantive natural law," refers to physical goals and ideals in order to achieve justice, fairness, freedom. 法律的外在道德也叫做实体自然法,指的是法律要达到的正义、公平、自由等实体目标和理想。
Finally, from the point of legislation, judicature and law enforcement, analyzing the morality of the law at the level of empirical. 最后,从立法、司法及执法角度,在实证上对反不正当竞争法的道德性进行解析。
In this sense, the study of Chinese ancient laws, if not taking the hermeneutic into its perspectives, or not taking the role and its influence of the conception of penal code and morality of hermeneutic in ancient law, obviously, would be inappropriate. 从这个意义上说,我们研究中国古代的法律,如果不把经学纳入视野,不考虑经学中的刑德观在古代法律中的作用与影响,显然是有失妥当的。
The relationship between law and morality of law is not only a philosophy major problem, but also on the social governance of the major practical issues. 法律与道德的关系不仅是一个重大的法哲学理论问题,也是关于社会治理的重大实践问题。
The ultimate revealing of the value of law is the morality of law, which is composed by four parts. 法律的道德性是法律价值的根本体现。
In his book "Morality of Law", he rescans the relation between law and ethics from a new viewpoint and realizes the inevitable internal relevance. 他在《法律的道德性》一书中用一种新的视角来重新审视法律与道德之间的关系,认为法律与道德之间具有一种内在的必然联系。
The way about law supporting morality is shown in: to confirm moral requirements through legislative process, to develop good morality through performance of law. 法律支持道德的途径表现在:通过立法,确认道德要求;通过法的实施,弘扬良好道德风尚。
Based on the division of the morality of aspiration and the morality of duty Fullers constructed the internal morality of law. 基于义务的道德与愿望的道德之分这一伦理前提,富勒建构了法律的内在道德理论。
The morality of the law is the bridge of constructing and bettering the legal mechanism and achieving the morality. 反不正当竞争法的道德性成为建构、完善法律制度和实现道德的桥梁。